Friday, April 22, 2011

First Foal of the Season!

Getting up can be so tiring!

Drink more! Your ribs are poking out!

Like mother, like daughter! Look at those long legs! They're so long that the baby can't touch the ground with its nose :)

It still amazes me that foals can walk when they're just born. They're still fragile and tire easily, but they're troopers! We haven't named this one yet, but Chelsea has been calling it Lucky, since it looks like it has a number 7 on its forehead :) Lucky was born 5 days ago, and we had another one born today! 2 down, 3 to go! I've been asking the wranglers if I can witness a birth, but they say that the mares usually give birth in the middle of the night, in extreme weather conditions, like rain or snow. Chelsea mentioned something about the low atmospheric pressure being a factor in the birthing process. I'm no expert, so I'll trust what she says :) I'm not sure I'd be able to survive a whole night in the freezing rain, no matter how much I want to see a mare giving birth... too bad, so sad. 

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