Cool video: Baby horse born on Easter weekend
I have no idea which guest has a connection with the news, but pictures and video of our second baby "leaked out" to the press! It's funny that we love on these guests but don't really know all about them. It's a bit of a compliment to have them enjoy their experience so much that they'd want to share with all of Denver!
Easter weekend was tiring, but fun! We had a full house for the off-season, and a ton of kiddos! Easter egg hunting and egg dyeing was something I haven't done for years, so it was fun to revive old memories. Easter lunch was crazy... it was my first time doing a sit-n-serve, where I sat and ate with my table, but still had to refill their drinks and clear their plates when they left for the buffet. I guess it's the closest thing to serving guests at "home", if I were to host a dinner party or something. It was a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed being able to eat with my table.
Hmm... what else... oh yes, it's been snowing. We had snow Easter morning, which melted by the afternoon. It was my first "white Easter"! So cold... especially when we staff had to dress in Easter style... pastels and dresses. We go all out here at Lost Valley :)
This week we have 3 guests. Total. It's strange going from a packed dining room to serving only 3 people. I guess it's a nice time to recover and recharge before another crazy weekend (that I won't be here for, tee hee). Being around people all the time, it becomes so important to take advantage of recharging time. We're "pouring into" these guests when we serve them, especially the wranglers and waitrii that have a lot of face-time with the guests, it takes a lot of emotional and physical energy to do, and we're not allowed to have an "off" day, even when we feel sick or are tired. I think that's why we have a no dating policy, and we're not allowed to drink alcohol... those are distractions that we can't afford to have when the guests are our first priority. It's crazy, being here at the ranch, but what an experience!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
First Foal of the Season!
Getting up can be so tiring!
Drink more! Your ribs are poking out! |
Like mother, like daughter! Look at those long legs! They're so long that the baby can't touch the ground with its nose :) |
It still amazes me that foals can walk when they're just born. They're still fragile and tire easily, but they're troopers! We haven't named this one yet, but Chelsea has been calling it Lucky, since it looks like it has a number 7 on its forehead :) Lucky was born 5 days ago, and we had another one born today! 2 down, 3 to go! I've been asking the wranglers if I can witness a birth, but they say that the mares usually give birth in the middle of the night, in extreme weather conditions, like rain or snow. Chelsea mentioned something about the low atmospheric pressure being a factor in the birthing process. I'm no expert, so I'll trust what she says :) I'm not sure I'd be able to survive a whole night in the freezing rain, no matter how much I want to see a mare giving birth... too bad, so sad. |
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